data center
Category: Specifications

100G Lambda MSA specifications for 100 Gb/s interfaces with reaches up to 20 km (100G-LR1-20), 30 km (100G-ER1-30), and 40 km (100G-ER1-40). The single-mode fiber interfaces for Ethernet applications are based on single lane 100 Gb/s channels and assumes Ethernet compliant module interfaces.

100G Lambda MSA specification for 400 Gb/s interface with a reach up to 10 km. The single-mode fiber interface for Ethernet applications is based on 4 x100 Gb/s CWDM channels and assumes Ethernet compliant module interfaces.

100G Lambda MSA specifications for 100 Gb/s interfaces with reaches up to 2 km (100G-FR) and 10 km (100G-LR). The single-mode fiber interfaces for Ethernet applications are based on single lane 100 Gb/s channels and assumes Ethernet compliant module interfaces.

100G Lambda MSA specification for 400 Gb/s interface with a reach up to 2 km. The single-mode fiber interface for Ethernet applications is based on 4 x100 Gb/s CWDM channels and assumes Ethernet compliant module interfaces.